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Mediations - resenders and drops

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:47 pm
by zojb
The resender is a logistics company engaged in the delivery of goods from one country to another. Resending is used in 2 cases: when the shop does not have international delivery, and when you just want to do the consolidation of packs.
Resenders are not created for us carders, but for ordinary people who want to order some goods from the United States.

For example, things from GEP and other stores that do not have delivery to other countries except the United States.
there are also resenders in the European Union, but they are not used so often.
Consolidation of packages is the process of combining several parcels into one, to reduce the cost of delivery.
Conditions of consolidation should be clarified by the resenders, read the relevant sections of the site.
At the moment, a lot of resenders are used to much for carding, so you need to look for your resender.
How to find "your middle man"
you can find Your resenders only experimentally, sending packages there, and looking at the reaction of the resender. I will give the main points that need to be addressed.
1. To card step by step. Made 1-2 tries, wait for delivery, look as the resenders react. Sent to yourself.
2. Use different types of carding for different accounts. That is, 1 ACC of resenders try to card with the CC, the second with e-gift, 3rd ACC of resenders try to card a stick and so on. Is done for moreover, to understand that likes in between, and that there is no. Because some resenders safely take packes carded with the CC, others may lock ACCs for this. Someone from the Resenders take packs, carded with e-gift, and some don't. Therefore, it is very important to have at the first stage a few ACCs, and when some of the accounts lock, you will know what for.
3. Avoid Resenders requiring payment by credit cards or money orders. Personally, I prefer the re, receiving payment with BTC or PayPal. It so happens that you have to pay for the resender with "your card", this card needs to be done in stuff - which is impossible. Wire transfers are immediately clear. It's pale. It is better to avoid such intermediaries at once.
4. Pay special attention to the tariffs of the Resender s(acceptance, storage, forwarding). It happens that the adoption of the pack is free, and the cost of storing the pack, begins to accrue the next day. Or on the contrary - the Adoption of paid and expensive, and storage is free. We are best suited to an Resenders where the acceptance of the pack is free and the free shelf life is between 30 and 60 days.
5. Carefully study the rules of Resender for the reception of packs. Usually written with which I agree, and why not, and what documents are required while receiving and when sending packs.
Found suitable under the terms of the Resender, go to registration and get the address.
Resender come with a personal account, and without.
In the resender with a personal account, identification is happening on a personal number, it is usually written in the address and the delivery you need to write this number.

Accordingly, the seller sees that these are large numbers, and the fact that it is an intermediary the Best in this case would be to write it as an office number for example.
The Second type of resenders that do not require registration.
There is simply written the address of the warehouse without any personal numbers.
In this case, the identification is still going on by Name and Surname on the pack.
So, how do we register a resender?
the First thing you need, but not necessarily to buy a set of documents.
I don't normally do this, because my broker never calls for it.
But it is better to do it.
What is included in the set of documents.
Passport, main page and page with registration, snils, documents confirming the address of your residence, usually bills for housing services.
To Find someone who draws it pretty difficult, but when you pack can get lost, you start thinking smarter

Then, again, as a recommendation to have the FPS of the country where the shipping will be, and perform all manipulations with the resender of this Dedik.
Again, I don't, I go to the resender right from the runway FOR the mustache, with different IPS and all is well.
So, after registering in the resender, what do we see in the first place?
As a rule, resenders have several addresses in the United States
Warehouses in new Jersey, warehouses in Delaware, sometimes in California
Better send to Delaware.
This state is tax-free and do not have to pay extra for the goods.
Got the address. Address will be of the form: first name last Name
600 Markley St. Suite 107451 Port Reading, NJ 07064
So, the first line is clear, when ordering online store Name write in First Name
Last Name
In Adress line 1 , we write 600 Markley St.
Address line 2, we write Suite 107451
Actually this is my edited address, Suite is the office, the numbers after it is a personal identifier in the middle.
Port Reading is a city NJ - new Jersey state the last 5 digits are a zip.
Many resenders have a button to add an order.
This means that if you received the track from the seller, you can add the pack to your personal account. This will speed up the processing of the package through.
Further advice on working with resenders.
1. Do not send immediately after registration of an account, a million packs. Lie down for a week, better 2. Send 1- 2 pack per week. And gradually increase the number. Here is where the rule of the buildup, as in many other subjects. No normal person will send 10 iPhones, 25 pieces of playlists, and the same number of hours to your account in a week. Pay special attention to this.
2. Clearly study the rules of work of resenders, it will avoid the loss of packs. Read the FAQ page or the rules for receiving and sending parcels - most of the questions will disappear, and save a lot of time.
3. Do not overload the resender with expensive packs. It is better to have a few ACCs, and send to each a little. No normal person would buy 10 iPhones in 10 days. Remember this. Through this same office, which we bend, so should behave accordingly.
4. Do not use the resender, for driving expensive equipment, it is better to use a drop. So you do not kill the account, in the case of charge. Statistics say that resenders are killed with a ton of expensive stuff than cheap. ACCs, which accept goods of the average price category, live the longest on experience.
5. When driving specify Skype phone number or GV. Do not write the phone number through or holder. That is, in the column shipping address - write or the number of GV (Google voice) or Skype.
Recommendations for the shipment of goods to yourself:
1. Do not exceed the customs limit (for Russia) of 1000 EUR or 1200 USD per month - per pack. That is, if you specify that stuff in the pack for 1200 bucks, this month on the same name you will not be able to send the pack. He will get in the customs, and eventually come with a customs notice, all that over the limit, will have to pay 35% of the cost. Due to the recent events, in 80% of cases for sending packs in RU - resenders ask INN / SNILS of recipient, so I talked about buying a full set of documents. But since We do not know in how many hands they can be - the best thing is to agree with a drinking neighbor that he will take your packs, and take him to all the docks. Believe me for a bottle of good whiskey - he will do everything)
2. Always underestimate the cost of goods on clothes. For example, if you send the Nike shoes for 300 bucks, write that sneakers NAIFY and indicate the cost of 30-40 bucks. I always do. The same applies to bags, pants, in General, all. It always does. Because to bother and to establish clear cost , no one will. Just do not write that stuff fake or replica such category of products is very strictly regulated for import into the customs Union by + 90% resender this is not love.
Therefore, it is better to write a non-existent brand, or find on the Internet sneakers for this amount and write that they are.
3. As for the watch - please open the box and send the watch separately, the box separately. But it is best to send the clock along with the rest of the stuff. When there is a pack of 10-15-20 positions, in my experience, such packs are much easier to pass customs than when in a pack of 1-2 positions.
4. As for jewelry - say that it is costume jewelry. And many putting in Pak should not be. It is better to send the chain separately, ring separately. We recommend to send jewelry with a bunch of belongings, less likely to burn customs. Although would still drag metals would be disposed by x-rays. therefore it is better not to be impudent, do not send a 15 kilogram pack, with a gold content of 1 kg - 100% will not pass customs)
5. The technique is to send 2-3 positions in the pack. For example 1 iPhone + 1 PSP + 1 video card. It is not necessary to cram in 1 pack on 10 positions of all goods. Remember that if the same position in the pack of 5 or more, you will fall under the commercial party, and then lose the pack. As they will request invoices, statements of accounts and so on. So I always throw the technique sweaters, jackets, pants. The more stuff , the better. This is my experience, You may not be suitable, but still try.
6. Not to hoard packs in the midst, is particularly valuable. Came iPhone / iPad / rolex in the resender - just send. It's better to pay an extra 60 bucks for shipping than to lose everything. That is, before carding to resenders, look at the date of delivery, and estimate the approximate time. You card in for example an iPhone, shipping 3-5 days, so next Wednesday will be in the middle, respectively, today you carded a couple of things, with the same shipping. Next Wednesday - Thursday stuff came like 5 items all up, clicked the button to send, pack, paid, waiting. No need to pack for months... it won't do any good.
7. To pay for the resender use only your money as the owner of the ACC. NO CARDING. Don't cut the branch you're sitting on. Made ACC stick or VSS kiwi, threw money on CC and so on. From 50-100 bucks, our wallet will not become thinner, and ACC will serve You for a very long time. Personally my ACC in the resender is living for a year and 2 months and is still all fine.

List of resenders and document scans you can find easy in forum or or or...
Also recommend to use drops for receiving packs.
there is many personĀ“s for paydrop, takes packs in Rostov-on-don, and the cost of admission is usually 15$.
Much more reliable, but also more expensive drinking neighbor.
So, we finished talking about the resenders. Next are the drops.


Drops are ordinary people who accept Your packs. There are 2 types of drops: deceived (the ones that where lied about their role) and not deceived (the ones that know what they are actually doing).
deceived drops are drops that do not know that they accept packages. There is always the possibility of missing drop with parcels. Such drops are searched on job sites or similar places. Usually on such drops expensive packs are not send. The life of these drops is 10-15 days. The cost of accepting parcels by such drops is usually 50-70 bucks.

Not deceived drops - drops who fully understand what the risks are. The risk of losing the packs is minimum. Such drops receive a good salary and the life of the drops is on average 2-3 months. However, they often have a few other rules of work. More information about the rules can be found in the drop services that provide drop services. The cost of admission is usually $ 70-100 or % of the cost of the pack.
Recently drop-services began to work only in buying your stuff, that is, they take the pack and pay You your %.
Different drop services - different types of goods under the reception and, accordingly, different %. For mainstream technique, like Apple - they can give you up to 55%. By carding stuff on the buyer, it will save you from the problem of delivery of the goods to RU and of selling it, in this way you will earn much faster. However, the amount of earnings will be much lower than if you brought the stuff to yourself and sold it in RU.
As soon as the drops receive the pack, the drop service needs a label to send it to the resender.
the Label is a kind of postal form. Which is a piece of paper where it is written from whom it is sent, from what addresses goes to whom it is addressed and to what address. Such labels can be ordered on the forum from the relevant sellers. Usually, carded labels cost about 5-10 bucks if the label is white (not carded), the price can reach $ 500. Most often white labels are used to send packs directly to RU to ensure safe passage of packs in all instances.

Example label can be found here:
1 - name of the sender 2 -the Street of the sender
3 - City / State / sender Index
4 - name of recipient
5 - the Street of the recipient
6 - City / State / recipient Index
7 - date of dispatch
8 - parcel Weight 9 - delivery date
10 - the Track number of the parcel

That's it for the topic of resenders & drops. Thank you for your attention. The next chapter is Antidetection (a very important thing for carders)