What is encryption and how does it work?

the art of decryption and encryption
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What is encryption and how does it work?

Post by zojb »

Most often, the encryption strength is equal to the length of the key (in bits) and the encryption algorithm used. The easiest way to overcome encryption is to test all possible keys. This method is known as a brute-force attack, but the introduction of longer keys makes this method ineffective.

For a successful brute-force attack on a 128-bit AES switch, each of the 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth will have to check 1 billion keys per second for 1.5 trillion. years to test all possibilities.

For this reason, attackers usually avoid the brute-force method. Instead, they try to detect vulnerabilities in the encryption software or try to infect the system with malicious code to steal passwords or the decryption key when working with them.

To minimize the risks, use a secure encryption product and a proven anti-virus solution.

How it works?
Encryption (most often) works in two ways:
Encrypting the storage device - most commonly this method is used to encrypt entire drives or devices.

It is effective after shutting down the system, shutting down the storage device, or blocking the encryption key.

Content encryption - or granular encryption - typically means file encryption or application-level text.

The most common example is email encryption, where the format of the message remains unchanged for the email application to work with it, but the contents of the message and all attachments
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