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How To Make RDX , An Detailed Guide

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:27 am
by vengeance
To make RDX at home, follow these detailed steps with caution,

Ingredients required:
1. TNT (trinitrotoluene) - 100 grams
2. Dinitrotoluene (DNT) mixture - 160 grams (80 grams of α-DNT and 80 grams of β-DNT)
3. Sodium nitrate (NaNO₃) - 34 grams
4. A solvent (such as acetone or ethyl acetate) - 150 ml

Note: Always wear protective gear like gloves, goggles, and a mask while handling chemicals.


Step 1: Preparation
Ensure you have a well-ventilated workspace with a fire extinguisher nearby. Lay out all your ingredients and equipment, including glassware, stirring rod, funnel, and filter paper.

Step 2: Mixing the explosive mixture
In a suitable glass container, add the 100 grams of TNT. Carefully add the 160 grams of DNT mixture, which consists of 80 grams of α-DNT and 80 grams of β-DNT.

Step 3: Dissolving sodium nitrate
In a separate container, dissolve 34 grams of sodium nitrate in 50 ml of the chosen solvent (acetone or ethyl acetate). Stir until completely dissolved.

Step 4: Adding sodium nitrate solution to the explosive mixture
Slowly pour the sodium nitrate solution into the TNT and DNT mixture using a funnel. While pouring, stir the mixture using a stirring rod to ensure proper mixing.

Step 5: Filtration
Place a filter paper on a funnel and pour the mixture through it into another glass container. This will help separate any impurities and unreacted chemicals from the newly formed RDX.

Step 6: Evaporation
Allow the solvent to evaporate from the filtered mixture. This process may take several hours or even days, depending on the solvent used and the conditions in your workspace. Patience is key.

Step 7: Collecting RDX crystals
Once the solvent has evaporated, you should see shiny, yellow-colored RDX crystals at the bottom of the container. Carefully scoop them out and store them in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Power of the RDX:
The RDX you've created at home will have an estimated power of C4 (composition C-4) which is around 9 to 10 times the power of TNT. This means that each unit of RDX will have a greater explosive force than TNT. However, Always use such powerful substances responsibly and with extreme caution.