A AT (Remote Administrator Trojan) Generator for Windows/Linux systems written in Python 3.

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A AT (Remote Administrator Trojan) Generator for Windows/Linux systems written in Python 3.

Post by zojb »

▫️ Works on Windows/Linux
▫️ Notify New Victim Via Email
▫️ Undetectable
▫️ Does not require root or admin privileges
▫️ Persistence
▫️ Sends Screenshot of Victim PC's Screen via email
▫️ Give Full Meterpreter Access to Attacker
▫️ Didn't ever require Metasploit installed to create a trojan
▫️ Creates Executable Binary With Zero Dependencies
▫️ Create less size ~ 5Mb payload with advanced functionality
▫️ Obfusticate the Payload before Compiling it, hence Bypassing a few more antivirus
▫️ Generated Payload is Encrypted with base64, hence makes it extremely difficult to reverse engineer the payload
▫️ Function to Kill Antivirus on Victim PC and tries to disable the Security Center.
And more.

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