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The Christmas Card method

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:47 am
by Aera23
Jingle Bells, it's Christmas in July, your so and so's Birthday is coming up, and you want to get them presents (or maybe some bills need paying)

You go on the deep, and discover, cheap gift cards, safer than debit or credit numbers, ooo is the seller legit?

Remember those phone scams? Yep, some poor person must've fallen for it

Or... or... someone has gotten into debt, come up with a realistic site, and is about to scam YOU...

Take care

Re: The Christmas Card method

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:50 am
by Aera23
PS: I have never tried gift cards, I've seen lists of legit and scam gift card sites, but... exit scams have happened. I don't have enough BTC to ETH to bet on any card/site